History of India from earliest times to 1206 C.E.

History of India from earliest times to 1206 C.E. 5056 22 314016 Code No. 3411 FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES M.A. (HISTORY)I-SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS, MAR-2023 HISTORY OF INDIA: FROM EARLIEST TIMES TO 1206 CE Time: 3 Hours] PAPER-1 (Max. Marks: 70 Note: Answer all questions from Section-A and Section-B Section-A Answer the following questions in not more than ONE page each: (5x4-20) h 1. Megalithic Cultures 2. Harappa Town 3. Mahapadma Nanda 4. Mahamoksha Parishad 5. Mahabalipuram Section-B Answer the following questions in not more than FOUR pages each: Discuss the Geographical Conditions of India and Their Impact." (OR) b) Analyse the Pre-Historic Cultures in India? 505 a) State the main features of the Indus Valley Civilization? (OR) b) Write the Socio-economic and Religious conditions of the Later Vedic Period? 8. a) Estimate the life and Achievements of Mourya Chandragupta. (OR) b) Discuss the Causes and Results of Alexander's Invasion? 9. a) Describe the Administra...