
History of India from earliest times to 1206 C.E.

 History of India from earliest times to 1206 C.E.  5056 22 314016 Code No. 3411 FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES M.A. (HISTORY)I-SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS, MAR-2023 HISTORY OF INDIA: FROM EARLIEST TIMES TO 1206 CE Time: 3 Hours] PAPER-1 (Max. Marks: 70 Note: Answer all questions from Section-A and Section-B Section-A Answer the following questions in not more than ONE page each: (5x4-20) h 1. Megalithic Cultures 2. Harappa Town 3. Mahapadma Nanda 4. Mahamoksha Parishad 5. Mahabalipuram Section-B Answer the following questions in not more than FOUR pages each: Discuss the Geographical Conditions of India and Their Impact." (OR) b) Analyse the Pre-Historic Cultures in India? 505 a) State the main features of the Indus Valley Civilization? (OR) b) Write the Socio-economic and Religious conditions of the Later Vedic Period? 8. a) Estimate the life and Achievements of Mourya Chandragupta. (OR) b) Discuss the Causes and Results of Alexander's Invasion? 9. a) Describe the Administra...

Cultural History of India

 Cultural History of India  Code No. 3435A FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES M.A. (HISTORY) III-SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS, APR-2023 CULTURAL HISTORY OF INDIA (Inter Disciplinary) PAPER-V (a) Time: 3 Hours) [Max. Marks: 70 Note: Answer all questions from Section-A and Section - B Section-A Answer the following questions in not more than ONE page each: (5x4-20) 1. Definition of Culture 2. Vedic Literature 3. Jain Principles 4. Sufism 5. English Education Section-B Answer the following questions in not more than FOUR pages cach: (5x10-50) 6. a) Examine the Harappan Culture. (OR) b) Write about Rig Vedic Culture. 7.) Explain the Buddhist Principles and their Impact on Indian Society. (OR) b) Write about the Impact of Islam on Indian Society. 8. a) Discuss the Contribution of Raja Ram Mohan Roy to Indian Society. (OR) b) Examine the Impact of Christian Missionaries on Indian Society and Culture. 9.) Write an Essay on Indian Dance forms and Music. (OR) b) Discuss the Hindu and Islamic ...

History of Science and Technology in Modern India

  History of Science and Technology in Modern India   Code No. 3434A FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES M.A. (HISTORY) III-SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS, MAR-2023 HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN MODERN INDIA: 1800-1964 CE PAPER-IV (a) Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Note: Answer all questions from Section-A and Section-B Section-A (5x4-20) Answer the following questions in not more than ONE page each: 1. Definition of Science and Technology. 2. English Education 3. Experimental Farming 4. Printing Technology 5. Traditional Medicine Section-B Answer the following questions in not more than FOUR pages each: 6. a) Discuss the Relation between Science and Society. b) Examine the Development of Modem Science and Technology in India during colonial Rule. 5056 (OR) 7.a) Write about the Modernisation of Agriculture during the British rule in India. 5056 b) What is Big Dam Technology? Discuss its Impact on Indian Agriculture. 8.a) Write an Essay on the Development of Modem Transport and Co...

3 History of Dalit Movement in India

 3 History of Dalit Movement in India  Code No. 3433 FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES M.A. (HISTORY) III-SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS, MAR-2023 HISTORY OF DALIT MOVEMENTS IN INDIA: 1900-1947 CE Time: 3 Hours] PAPER-III [Max. Marks: 70 Note: Answer all questions from Section-A Section-A and Section-B (5x4-20) Answer the following questions in not more than ONE page each: 1. Importance of the Dalit Movement 2. Sanskritiztion 3. Manguram 4. SNDP 5. Poona Pact Section B Answer the following questions in not more than FOUR pages each: 6.) Write the meaning, definition, and Nature of the Dalit Movement. (OR) 5056 b) Explain the causes for the rise of the Dalit Movement? 7.a) Analyze the origin and Development of the Caste System in India. (OR) b) Describe the role of Christian missionaries in the Upliftment of Dalits? 8. a) Write an essay on Adi-Dravida Movement in Tamilnadu. b) Estimate the role of Jyotirao Phule in the non-Brahmin Movement? 9. a) Give an account of the Harijan Moveme...

Social and Economic History of Modern India

 S ocial and Economic History of Modern India Code No. 3432 FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES M.A. (HISTORY) III-SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS, MAR-2023 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY OF MODERN INDIA: 1707-1947 CE PAPER-I Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Note: Answer all questions from Section-A and Section-B Answer the following questions in not more than ONE page each: (5x4-20) 1. Vasco-De-Gama 2. Guru Govindsingh 3. Savitribhai Phule 4. Laissez-faire Section B Answer the following questions in not more than FOUR pages cach: 6. a) What are the Sources to discuss the Socio-economic History of Modern India? (5x10-50) (OR) b) What kind of changes happened in the Political History of Modern India? 7. a) Write an essay on Religious Movements in the 19th Century in India. (OR) b) Analyse the Reformation Movement among the Muslims? 8. a) Estimate the role of Eshwarchandra Vidyasagar in the Emancipation of Women. (OR) b) Explain the efforts of Kandukuri Veeresalingam for Women's Empowerment? 9. a...

social economic and cultural history of medieval India

 social economic and cultural history of medieval India 2023 March   FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 26 Code No. 3431 M.A. (HISTORY) III - SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS, MAR-2023 SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL INDIA: 1206-1707 CE PAPER-1 Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Note: Answer all questions from Section-A and Section - B Section A Answer the following questions not more than ONE page each: (5x4-20) Section B 1. Islamic Monuments 2. Jajmani System 3. Mecrabhai 4. Rytwari System 5. Takkavi Loans Answer the following questions in not more than FOUR pages each. 6. a) How does Islamic Literature contribute to the writing of Indian History? FOR 5050 by Write a brief survey of Political History: 7. a) Explain the Hindu-Muslim relations in Medieval India (OR) b) Write an essay on the Social life of people as reflected in Exterature. 8. a) Analyze Sufism and Its Impact on Indian Society ORD b) Estimate the life and career of Guru Nanak 9.a) Discuss the Land Revenue ...

Degree B.A. and PG M.A. history previous questions papers

 Degree B.A. and PG M.A. history previous questions papers of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh    P.G. M.A. History previous question papers SEMESTER I 1. History of India from earliest times to 1206 C.E. -  Exam held in March 2023 - View   2. World History 1453C.E. - 1871 C.E.   Exam held in March 2023 - View 3. History and Culture of Telangana from earliest times to 1724 C.E.  Exam held in March 2023 - View  Semester III 1. Social Economic and Cultural History of Medieval India 1206 - 1707 C.E.-  Exam held in 2023 March - View 2. Social and Economic History of Modern India 1707 - 1947 C.E. - Exam held in 2023 March - View 3. History of Dalit Movements in India - Exam held in 2023 March View   4. History of Science and Technology in Modern India - Exam held in 2023 March View 5. cultural history of India M.A. history PG Previous question papers -  1. 2023 March - View   2. Exam held in July 2021 View Semester IV Paper V...

cultural history of India M.A. history PG Previous question papers

 cultural history of India M.A. history PG Previous question papers  

Woman studies in modern India M.A. history PG Previous question papers

 Woman studies in modern India M.A. history PG Previous question papers Semester IV Paper V  


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