Junior Lecturer exam Paper I / General Studies paper syllabus
Junior Lecturer exam Paper I / General Studies paper syllabus PAPER – I : GENERAL STUDIES AND GENERAL ABILITIES 1. Current affa irs – Regional, National and International. 2. Internati onal Relations and Events. 3. General S cience; India’s Achievements in Science and Technolog y. 4. Environmental issues; Disaster Management - Prevention and Mitigation Strategies. 5. Economic and Social Developm ent of India and Telangana. 6. Physical, Social and Econo mic Geography of India. 7. Physical, S ocial and Economic Geography and Demography of Telang ana. 8. Socio - economic, Political and Cultural History of Modern India with special emphasis on Indian National Mov ement. 9. Socio - economic, Political and Cultural History of Telangana with special emphasis o n Telangana Statehood Movement and formation of Telan gana state. 10. Indian Constitution; Indian Political System; Governance and Public Policy. 11. Social Exclusion; Right s issues such as...