political science audio material in telugu for free download
* Preamble - Rajyanga Praveshika - view
* Chief Minister and Council of Ministers - view *
Chief minister and council of ministers part2 - view *
Commissions - view * Commissions part2 - view
* Central Government - President - view
* Fundamental Rights - view
* Fundamental Rights2 - view
* Fundamental Rights3 - view
* Fundamental Rights 4 - view
* Rajyaangaabhikramamu - view
* Local institutions - view
* Supreme Court - view
* Local institutions 1 - view
* Local institutions 2 - view
* Fundamental Rights - view
* High Court - view
* Central Government- view
* Central Government 6- view
* Center and State relations part1 - view
* Center and State relations part2 - view