Child Development Psychology - Pedagogy Practice Test1
1. ‘Self concept’ the stepping stone of social development starts at this
stage- 1. Pubescent
- 2. Late Childhood
- 3. Early Childhood
- 4. Early Adolescence
2. In the beginning children use their hand totally to hold the things.
Later they are able to manage to hold the things with their fingersDevelopmental principle involved here is.- 1. Development proceeds from general to specific
- 2. Development follows uniformity of pattern
- 3. Development proceeds continuously
- 4. Different developments proceed with mutual relations
3. Child changes the environment according to his convenience. The
cognitive process is- 1. Organization
- 2. Assimilation
- 3. Accommodation
- 4. Equilibrium
4. The following type of Classification of Intelligence Tests basing on
time of answering- 1. Individual – Group tests
- 2. Verbal – Non verbal tests
- 3. Power – speed tests
- 4. Paper pencil – performance tests
5. A child is unable to mingle with his classmates because of his
high shyness – The boy’s problem is- 1. Physical problem
- 2. Physical disorder
- 3. Mental disorder
- 4. Behavioural problem
6. The emotion which appears first in children is
- 1. Fear
- 2. Excitement
- 3. Anger
- 4. Jealousy
7. Teacher playing along with children observes their behavior during
the play is called- 1. Participant observation
- 2. Controlled observation
- 3. Non-participant observation
- 4. Introspection
8. The self concept developed in children through interpersonal
relations and reading books, stories, novels etc is,- 1. Ideal self concept
- 2. Real self concept 4. Acquired self concept
- 3. Universal self concept
- 4. Acquired self concept
9. A boy with equal interest in Mathematics and Science passed
class X. Now he has to choose either M.P.C. or Bi.P.C. The conflict
here is- 1. Approach - Avoidance
- 2. Avoidance – Avoidance
- 3. Dual Approach - Avoidance
- 4. Approach - Approach
10. The faculty that is present in every person according to
Noam Chomsky- 1. Universal Learning Faculty
- 2. Universal Language Faculty
- 3. Universal Scientific Faculty
- 4. Universal Socialistic Faculty
11. The Defense mechanism adopted by Sagar by hitting hard his bat on
the pitch as he got out for the very first ball in a cricket match.- 1. Projection
- 2. Displacement
- 3. Withdrawal
- 4. Regression
12. The virtue called ‘Reliability’ is to be achieved by the person in this
psycho social critical situation- 1. Autonomy vs Doubt
- 2. Integrity vs Despair
- 3. Initiative vs Guilt
- 4. Role Identify vs Role Confusion
13. One of the following is not a characteristic of Learning
- 1. Learning is purposeful
- 2. Learning is a product and not process
- 3. Learning is goal oriented
- 4. Learning is universal
14. One of the following is not a physiological need
- 1. Maternal drive
- 2. Sleep
- 3. Love
- 4. Water
15. Suma is scared of a teacher in her school as he punished her
severely. But she is not scared of other teachers. This is an example
for- 1. Stimulus generalisation
- 2. Stimulus discrimination
- 3. Spontaneous recovery
- 4. Extinction
16. According to Vygotsky, the following is a lower mental function.
- 1. Questioning
- 2. Synthesis
- 3. Creative Thinking
- 4. Analysis
17. Bandura classified reinforcement into 3 types. This classification
does not include- 1. Direct reinforcement
- 2. Indirect alternative reinforcement
- 3. Self reinforcement
- 4. Continuous reinforcement
18. Ganesh while preparing for examinations first learnt Philosophy and
then Psychology. In the psychology examination he is able to recall
Philosophy and unable to recall Psychology. This is due to- 1. Repression
- 2. Proactive inhibition
- 3. Retroactive inhibition
- 4. Psychological trauma
19. Rakesh learnt a list of 30 meaningless words in 20 trials. After
2 months, he was asked to relearn the same list. This time he took
12 trials to learn the list. His saving score is- 1. 12%
- 2. 40%
- 3. 90%
- 4. 30%
20. The first step in the process of memory is
- 1. Learning
- 2. Retention
- 3. Recall
- 4. Recognition
21. One of the following is not related to affective domain
- 1. Receiving
- 2. Responding
- 3. Valuing
- 4. Synthesis
22. When a modifiable connection is formed between a situation and
response, if other things being equal, that connection strengthens.
This is- 1. Law of use
- 2. Law of readiness
- 3. Law of exercise
- 4. Law of disuse
23. Dyslexia is this learning disability
- 1. Attention deficiency disorder
- 2. Arithmetic disability
- 3. Writing disability
- 4. Reading disability
24. The subject information in an integrated project is
- 1. Limited to one subject only
- 2. Related to many subjects
- 3. No relation with subject and information
- 4. Subject and information are contrary to each other
25. The following statement is against to child centered teaching
method.- 1. Children are limited to answer the questions of the teachers
- 2. Students learn through construction of knowledge
- 3. Children share their thoughts with teachers and peer group
- 4. Self learning takes place in children
26. The main aspect in the teaching process in which Piaget and Bruner
differs- 1. The relation between Teaching and Maturation
- 2. The relation between Teaching and Motivation
- 3. The relation between Teaching and Content
- 4. The relation between Teaching and Evaluation
27. The last step in Herbartian steps
- 1. Presentation
- 2. Preparation
- 3. Application
- 4. Recapitulation
28. According to Edgar Dale cone of experiences more concrete
experience is- 1. Observing Hippopotamus in the museum
- 2. Observing Hippopotamus in the zoo
- 3. Imitating Hippopotamus
- 4. Observing Hippopotamus picture in the magazine
29. First action in counseling process.
- 1. Taking information from counselee
- 2. Establishing rapport with counselee
- 3. Giving suggestions to counselee
- 4. Suggesting solution to the problem of the counselee
- 30. The prime aspect of National Curriculum Frame Work 2005
- 1. Transfer of information
- 2. Completion of Syllabus
- 3. Construction of Knowledge
- 4. Recitation