
Showing posts with the label History UGC JRF NET notes

Runa Karmas Samskaras

  Ṛṇa and Saṁskāras – Runa Karmas In Hindu philosophy, Ṛṇa ( ऋण) means debt or obligation , and Saṁskāras ( संस्कार) refer to sacraments or rites of passage that purify and refine an individual’s life. Ṛṇa Saṁskāras are the obligations and rituals that one must perform to repay different kinds of debts. These concepts are deeply rooted in the Vedas, Smritis, and Dharma Shastras . Hinduism teaches that every person is born with certain Ṛṇas (debts) that they must clear through proper actions (karma) and rituals (saṁskāras) to attain moksha (liberation) . 1. Three Types of Ṛṇas (Debts) in Hindu Tradition According to the Vedas and Smriti texts (like Manusmriti and Taittiriya Samhita) , every human being is born with three primary debts : A. Deva Ṛṇa (Debt to the Gods) Description : This is the debt to the Devas (gods) , who provide natural resources and sustain life. How to Repay : Performing yajnas (sacrificial rituals) and pujas . Chanting mantras a...

Purusha Sukta – Complete Details and Notes

  Purusha Sukta – Complete Details and Notes Introduction The Purusha Sukta ( पुरुष सूक्त) is one of the most significant hymns in the Rig Veda (Mandala 10, Hymn 90). It describes the cosmic being, Purusha , and explains the origin of the universe, social order, and spiritual evolution. The hymn emphasizes that the entire creation emerges from Purusha , who is both immanent (within creation) and transcendent (beyond creation). 1. Structure and Composition Text : Found in the Rig Veda (10.90) , with variations in the Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda, and Sama Veda . Total Verses : 16 to 24 (depending on the version). Language : Sanskrit Metre : Mostly Anushtubh and Trishtubh 2. Meaning of ‘Purusha’ The word Purusha ( पुरुष) means: Cosmic Being – The Supreme Consciousness that pervades everything. Universal Spirit – The divine reality from which all beings originate. Primordial Man – The symbolic representation of the universe as a divine entity...


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