
Showing posts with the label GK

Sports Terms - General Knowledge

Sports Terms - General Knowledge   No. Name of Sport Terms 1 Badminton - -- Deuce,Drop,Smash, Let,Love, Shuttle cock, Service court, Fore hand, Back Hand, Smash, Hit, Drop, Net, Double fault.    2. Baseball - --Pinching, Home run, Base runner, Perfect game, Put out, Strike, Throw.    3. Basketball - throw, Technical foul, Common foul, Under head, Over head.    4. Bridge ----- Master point, Perfect deals, Gland slam, Dummy, Trump.     5. Billiards N Sooker ---- Cue,Jigger,Pot, Scratch,Cannons, Pull, Cue, Hit, Object ball, Break shot, Scoring, Cushion billiards.   6. Boxing ----- Jab,Hook,Kidney Punch,Rabbit Punch,Slam,Uppercut ,Knockout, Round, Ring Stoppage, Kidney punch, Timing, Foot work.   7. Chess ---- Bishop,Gambit, Checkmate, Stalemate, E. L. O. rating, international master, Grand master, Kings Indian Defense.   8. Cricket ----- L.B.W.,Stumpe...

National Parks in India National Parks in India

NATIONAL PARKs in India NATIONAL PARKs in India   State Name of NATIONAL PARK Year Established   Andaman & Nicobar Cambell Bay NATIONAL PARK 1992 Galathea NATIONAL PARK 1992, Mahatma Gandhi Marine NATIONAL PARK (Previously: Wandur NATIONAL PARK) 1983 Middle Button Island NATIONAL PARK 1987 Rani Janshi Marine NATIONAL PARK 1996 Mount Harriet NATIONAL PARK 1987 Saddle Peak NATIONAL PARK 1987 South Button Island NATIONAL PARK 1987   Andhra Pradesh Kasu Brahmmananda Reddy - NATIONAL PARK 1194 Magavir Harinaa Vanastali NATIONAL PARK 1994 Murugavani NATIONAL PARK 1994 Sri Venkateshwara NATIONAL PARK 1989   Arunachala Pradesh Mouling NATIONAL PARK 1986 Namdapha NATIONAL PARK 1983   Assamm Dibru-Saikhowaa NATIONAL PARK 1999 Kaziranga NATIONAL PARK 1974 Manas NATIONAL PARK 1990 Nameri NATIONAL PARK 1998 Orang NATIONAL PARK 1999 Bihar Valmiki NATIONAL PARK 1989 Kanwar Lake Bird Sanctuary 1987 Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary 2009   Chhattisgar...

Indian Tribes

Indian Tribes *    Abros – Arunachal Pradesh, Assam *    Adi, Apatami – Arunachala Pradesh *    Angami, Ao – Nagaland *    Badagas – Tamil Nadu *    Baiga – Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan &  Gujarat *    Bhils – Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat & Rajasthan *    Bhotias – Uttra Pradesh *    Bhutias – Sikkim *    Birhor – Bihar *    Bodos – Assam *    Chenchus – Andhra Pradesh, Odisha *    Chutia – Assam *    Dangs – Gujarat *    Gaddis – Himachal Pradesh *    Garos – Meghalaya *    Gonds – Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Bihar &  Andhra Pradesh *    Great Andamanese – Andaman Island *    Irulas – Tamil Nadu *    Jaintias – Meghalaya *    Jarawas - Little Andamans *  ...

India and World's Highest Longest Largest Smallest Deepest Things

 India and World's Highest Longest Largest Smallest Deepest Things India and World's Highest Longest Largest Smallest Deepest Things *    Highest Lake: Devatal Lake, Gadhwal (Utarakhand) *    Largest Fresh Water Lake: Kolleru Lake (Andhra Pradesh) *    Largest Manmade Lake: Govind Vallabh Pant Sagar (Rihand Dam) *    Largest Lake: Chilka Lake (saline water) - Orrisha *    Largest Lake: Wular Lake (Kashmir) *    Largest State: Rajasthan *    Largest Populated City: Mumbai *    Longest River: The Ganga (2640 Km long) *    Longest Tributary River: Yamuna *    Highest Award: Bharat Ratna *    Highest Peak: Karakoram-2 of K2 (8,611 meters) *    Highest Rainfall: Mausinram near Chirapunji  (426 inches per annum) *    Highest waterfall: Gersoppar Waterfall-Mysore (292 meters high) * ...

notes on important indian rivers

notes on important indian rivers   The rivers of India are classified into 4 Categories: 1. The Himalayan River System: 2. The Deccan River System: 3. Coastal River System: 4. The Rivers of the Inland drainage basin: -------------------------------------------------------------------------   1. The Himalayan River System: These are perennial in nature, snow-fed rivers. During the rainy season they are generally flooded and carry 70 of the total discharge of river water into the sea. The three great Himalayan river systems are mentioned below. The Himalayan River System Name Source Length Enters into Indus River System Mountain Kailash in Tibet (near Mansarovar Lake) 2900km Arabian Sea Sutlej Mansarover Rakas Lakes 1050km Chenab Beas Near Rohtang Pass 470km Sutlej Ravi Near Rohtang Pass 720km Chenab Chenab Near Lahol Spiti District of H.P 960km Indus Jhelum Verinag in Kashmir 725km Chenab Ganges Riv...

Indian Space Research Centers

 Indian Space Research Centers * Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, VSSC – Thiruvananthapuram.  * Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre, LPSC - Thiruvanthapuram, Mahendragiri, Bangalore.  * Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology – IIST - Thiruvananthapuram.  * Space Application Centre – SAC –  * Development and Educational Communication Unit – DECU –  * National Remote Sensing Service Centre – NRSC –  * Regional Remote Sensing Service Centres – RRSSC -  * Laboratory for Electro-optic Systems, Bangalore.  * Physical Research Laboratory – PRL –  * National Atmospheric Research Laboratory – NARL –  * North Eastern Space Application Centre – NESAC –  * Antrix Corporation Limited – ACL –  * Semi-Conductor Laboratory – SCL –  * National Natural Research Management System – NNRMS -  * ISRO Satellite Centre, ISSAC Bangalore.  * ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network Centre, Bangalore and Lucknow.  * ISRO ...

indian dance forms importan tpoints history of important indian dance forms

Indian Dance forms Important Points Indian Dance forms Important Points   Bharatanatyam A solo dance, originating from temples of South India, it is based on Natya Shastra, written by Bharat Muni in around 4000BC. It is highly traditional dance from comprising items such as padam, alarippu, thillana, varnam, etc.      Odissi It is a dance from which originated in Orissa during second century BC. It is also based on the priciples of Natya Shastra      Chakyarkoothu It is a highly orthodox dance form believed to have been introduced to Kerala by the earlier Aryan innnigrants. It is performed by the members of Chakyar caste inside the temples and is only witnessed by the Hindus of higher castes.     Manipuri Manipuri is a dance form popular in the north-east. It is a highly lyrical and ritualistic dance but lacks dramatic facial and gestural expressions.     Kuchipudi Kuchipudi is a solo dance popular in Andhra Prades...

dictionary of terms terminology of various sciences

dictionary of terms terminology of various sciences   Absentee Voter : A person unable to be at the polls at election time.   Abracadabra: A magic formula,used in incantations.   Abulia: The state of mind characterized by lack of will or motivation and inability to take decisions.   Acarology: Branch of zoology dealing with ticks and mites.  Acid Rain: A phenomenon in which sulphuric acid and nitric acid are formed in the atmosphere due to the reaction of rain drops with atmospheric gases like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.   Acrostic: A poem in which the first letters of each line taken in order to form a name or a sentence. Acromegaly: Deformity caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone from anterior pituitary gland. It results in the enlargement of hands ,finger, feet, ears, nose ,etc.  Adipose: A layer of tissue beneath the skin and around kidneys which acts as insulation against cold and a storage of energy. ...




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