PG Previous question papers Semester I Telangana University March April 2024
world history 1453-1871 March 2023
world history 1453-1871 March 2023
Code No. 3412History of India from earliest times to 1206 C.E.
History of India from earliest times to 1206 C.E.
5056 22 314016
Cultural History of India
Cultural History of India
Code No. 3435A
History of Science and Technology in Modern India
History of Science and Technology in Modern India
3 History of Dalit Movement in India
3 History of Dalit Movement in India
Code No. 3433
Social and Economic History of Modern India
Social and Economic History of Modern India
Code No. 3432
Degree B.A. and PG M.A. history previous questions papers
Degree B.A. and PG M.A. history previous questions papers of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
P.G. M.A. History previous question papers
1. History of India from earliest times to 1206 C.E. -
Exam held in March 2023 - View
2. World History 1453C.E. - 1871 C.E.
Exam held in March 2023 - View
3. History and Culture of Telangana from earliest times to 1724 C.E.
Exam held in March 2023 - View
Semester III
1. Social Economic and Cultural History of Medieval India 1206 - 1707 C.E.-
Exam held in 2023 March - View
2. Social and Economic History of Modern India 1707 - 1947 C.E.- Exam held in 2023 March -View
3. History of Dalit Movements in India -Exam held in 2023 March View
4. History of Science and Technology in Modern India - Exam held in 2023 March View
5. cultural history of India M.A. history PG Previous question papers -
1. 2023 March - View
2. Exam held in July 2021 View
Semester IV
Paper V Woman studies in modern India M.A. history PG Previous question papers - View
Historiography and Historical Method September 2022
Historiography and Historical Method
P.G. History previous question papers September 2022
Code No. 3422
PAPER-1 Max. Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hours
Note: Answer all questions from Section-A and Section-B
Section-A (5x4-20)
Answer the following questions in not more than ONE page each:
1. Causation
2. Kalhana
3. Colonialist Approach
4. Primary Sources
5. Footnotes
Section-B 5x10=50
History of India from 1206 t0 1886 C.E. P.G. History previous question papers September 2022
P.G. M.A. History previous question paper - Regular exam September 2022
History of India from 1206 t0 1886 C.E.
Code No. 3421
PAPER-1 Max. Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hours
Note: Answer all questions from Section-A and Section-B
Section-A (5x4-20)
Answer the following questions in not more than ONE page each:
1. Iqta System
2. Architecture of Hoyasalas
3. Panipat War-1
4. Subsidiary Alliance
5. Mercantilism
Answer the following questions in not more than FOUR pages each: 5X10=50
6. a) Estimate the military and Market Reforms of Alauddin Khilji?
b) Discuss the Bhakti Movement in medieval India?
7. a) Write the life and achievements of Ganpati Deva?
b) Analyse the role of Mohammad Gawan for the Bahmani Kingdom?
8. a) Give an account of the literary sources of medieval Indian History?
b) Elucidate the Shahjahan's Administration?
9. a)Explain the Carnatic Wars in India?
b) Describe the Cornwallis Reforms in cast India Company Rule?
10. a) Write an essay on Commercialisation of Agriculture in India?
b) Explain the Scope Nature and Results of 1857 Revolt?
PG M.A. History semester exams previous question papers Environmental History of India December 2021
PG M.A. History semester exams previous question papers Environmental History of India December 2021
MA History previous question paper sem4 paper5 women studies in modern india
MA History previous question paper sem4 paper5 women studies in modern india Code No. 344 FACULTY OFSOCIAL SCIENCES M.A. (HISTORY) IV-SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS, JULY-2021 WOMENS STUDIES IN MODERN INDIA PAPER-V (a) Time: 2 Hours]
Answer any FIVE from the follow
[Max. Marks: questions in not more than FOUR pages each: (5x14-7
1. Explain about the women pessimism under British rule.
2. Critically examine the various sources helping in the writing of women's history.
3. Examine the role of women in 19th century social reform movement.
4. Describe the aims and achievements of women organizations.
5 Describe the achievements of Savithribai Phule, mouth bay
6 Discuss the ideas, work and role of Telangana women in Hyderabad State
7 Describe the role of women in Indian National Movement.
8. Write an essay on J. Eswaribai in women's Movement
9. Explain the achievmenets of women under Gandhiji,
10. Critically examine the role of women in the Telangana armed struggle.