social reform movements in modern india practice test 3 /8
social reform movements in modern India practice test 3 /8
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let questions = [
{ q: "The Arya Samaj split in 1892 over which issue?", img: "", options: ["Idol worship", "System of education", "Relationship with Christianity", "British government policies"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "Who led the Gurukula section of Arya Samaj?", img: "", options: ["Swami Vivekananda", "Swami Shraddhanand", "Lala Lajpat Rai", "Hans Raj"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "What was the main aim of the Gurukula section of Arya Samaj?", img: "", options: ["Establishing western-style schools", "Promoting ancient Hindu education", "Supporting British education policies", "Promoting idol worship"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "The Dayanand Anglo Vedic (DAV) schools and colleges were promoted by:", img: "", options: ["Swami Shraddhanand", "Raja Rammohun Roy", "Lala Lajpat Rai and Hans Raj", "Swami Vivekananda"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "Who founded the Ramakrishna Mission?", img: "", options: ["Swami Vivekananda", "Ramakrishna Paramahamsa", "Swami Dayanand Saraswati", "Debendranath Tagore"], answer: 0 },
{ q: "In which year was the Ramakrishna Mission founded?", img: "", options: ["1875", "1887", "1897", "1905"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "What was the main objective of the Ramakrishna Mission?", img: "", options: ["Political reforms", "Social service and humanitarian relief", "Spread of western education", "Revival of idol worship"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "The Ramakrishna Math was founded in which year?", img: "", options: ["1867", "1875", "1887", "1897"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "Where is the headquarters of the Ramakrishna Mission and Math?", img: "", options: ["Varanasi", "Baranagar", "Haridwar", "Belur"], answer: 3 },
{ q: "What was the main purpose of the Ramakrishna Math?", img: "", options: ["Forming a dedicated group of monks", "Fighting against British rule", "Supporting caste-based Hindu traditions", "Opposing western education"], answer: 0 },
{ q: "The teachings of the Ramakrishna Mission are based on:", img: "", options: ["The Vedas and Puranas", "The universal message of Vedanta", "Christian missionary ideals", "Buddhist philosophy"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "Swami Vivekananda established the Ramakrishna Mission in honor of:", img: "", options: ["Dayanand Saraswati", "Raja Rammohun Roy", "Ramakrishna Paramahamsa", "Lala Lajpat Rai"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "The Ramakrishna Mission is legally separate from the Math but in practice:", img: "", options: ["They operate as two distinct organizations", "The Math governs the Mission", "The Mission controls the Math", "They are unrelated entities"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "What was the original name of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa?", img: "", options: ["Narendranath Datta", "Mula Shankara", "Gadodhar Chattopadhyay", "Dayanand Saraswati"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "Where was Ramakrishna Paramahamsa born?", img: "", options: ["Calcutta", "Kamarpukur, West Bengal", "Dakshineshwar", "Belur"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "In which year did Ramakrishna become a priest at the Dakshineshwar Kali Temple?", img: "", options: ["1856", "1860", "1867", "1875"], answer: 0 },
{ q: "What was the core belief of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa?", img: "", options: ["Idol worship is the only way to attain salvation", "There is only one path to salvation", "There are multiple paths to reach God and attain salvation", "Caste system is the best way to maintain social order"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "What was the original name of Swami Vivekananda?", img: "", options: ["Narendranath Datta", "Gadodhar Chattopadhyay", "Mula Shankara", "Atmaram Pandurang"], answer: 0 },
{ q: "In which year did Swami Vivekananda first meet Ramakrishna Paramahamsa?", img: "", options: ["1867", "1881", "1893", "1900"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "Where did Swami Vivekananda establish a monastery after the death of his guru?", img: "", options: ["Dakshineshwar", "Varanasi", "Baranagar", "Belur"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "Swami Vivekananda attended the World Parliament of Religions in which year?", img: "", options: ["1887", "1893", "1897", "1901"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "Where was the World Parliament of Religions held?", img: "", options: ["Paris", "New York", "London", "Chicago"], answer: 3 },
{ q: "What were the two publications started by Swami Vivekananda?", img: "", options: ["Prabudha Bharata and Udbodhana", "Kesari and The Hindu", "Harijan and Young India", "The Statesman and The Tribune"], answer: 0 },
{ q: "What was the main focus of Swami Vivekananda's teachings?", img: "", options: ["Rituals and ceremonies", "Political reforms", "Social service and spiritual awakening", "Idol worship"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "Swami Vivekananda believed that:", img: "", options: ["The caste system should be strictly followed", "Knowledge without social action is useless", "Rituals and ceremonies are essential for salvation", "Western education should be rejected"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "Swami Vivekananda passed away in which year?", img: "", options: ["1902", "1911", "1897", "1905"], answer: 0 },
{ q: "The Theosophical Society was founded in which city?", img: "", options: ["New York", "London", "Bombay", "Paris"], answer: 0 },
{ q: "Who were the founders of the Theosophical Society?", img: "", options: ["Swami Dayanand Saraswati and Lala Lajpat Rai", "Madam H.P. Blavatsky and H.S. Olcott", "Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa", "Raja Rammohan Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "In which year did the Theosophical Society establish its headquarters in Adyar, India?", img: "", options: ["1879", "1882", "1893", "1907"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "Who succeeded H.S. Olcott as the president of the Theosophical Society?", img: "", options: ["Swami Vivekananda", "Annie Besant", "Bal Gangadhar Tilak", "Mahatma Gandhi"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "The Theosophical Society focused on the revival of:", img: "", options: ["Western education", "Hinduism and its ancient ideas", "Idol worship", "Buddhism"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "Which institution was founded by Annie Besant in 1898 for Hindu religious instruction?", img: "", options: ["Dayanand Anglo Vedic School", "Banaras Hindu University", "Central Hindu School", "Hindu College"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "The Central Hindu School later became part of which university?", img: "", options: ["Calcutta University", "Jawaharlal Nehru University", "Banaras Hindu University", "Delhi University"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "Who was the founder of the Young Bengal Movement?", img: "", options: ["Gopal Hari Deshmukh", "Henry Vivian Derozio", "Jyotiba Phule", "G.K. Gokhale"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "Where did Henry Vivian Derozio teach?", img: "", options: ["Banaras Hindu University", "Hindu College, Calcutta", "Presidency College, Madras", "Deccan College, Pune"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "What were the followers of Henry Vivian Derozio called?", img: "", options: ["Arya Samajists", "Prarthana Samajists", "Derozians", "Radha Soami followers"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "The Young Bengal Movement advocated:", img: "", options: ["Preservation of traditional customs", "Women’s rights and education", "Complete rejection of Western education", "Blind faith in religious texts"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "What were some of the social issues that the Young Bengal Movement opposed?", img: "", options: ["Freedom of the press and trial by jury", "Widow remarriage and education of women", "Child marriage and polygamy", "Protection of peasants and freedom of the press"], answer: 3 },
{ q: "Which social reform was Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar most known for?", img: "", options: ["Abolition of Sati", "Promotion of English education", "Widow remarriage", "Establishment of Hindu College"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "Which law was passed in 1856 due to Vidyasagar’s efforts?", img: "", options: ["Hindu Marriage Act", "Hindu Widow’s Remarriage Act", "Sati Prohibition Act", "Indian Universities Act"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar became the principal of which institution in 1851?", img: "", options: ["Hindu College", "Sanskrit College, Calcutta", "Presidency College", "Banaras Hindu University"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "By what name was Gopal Hari Deshmukh popularly known?", img: "", options: ["Lokmanya", "Lokhitawadi", "Arya Bandhu", "Bharatendu"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "Gopal Hari Deshmukh was known for:", img: "", options: ["Promoting religious orthodoxy", "Advocating religious and social equality", "Opposing widow remarriage", "Supporting the caste system"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "M.G. Ranade was a prominent member of which organization?", img: "", options: ["Arya Samaj", "Theosophical Society", "Prarthana Samaj", "Satyashodhak Samaj"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "Which educational institution was inspired by M.G. Ranade’s ideas?", img: "", options: ["Hindu College", "Deccan Education Society", "Central Hindu School", "Banaras Hindu University"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "Who considered M.G. Ranade as his guru?", img: "", options: ["Gopal Krishna Gokhale", "Bal Gangadhar Tilak", "Lala Lajpat Rai", "Mahatma Gandhi"], answer: 0 },
{ q: "Gopal Ganesh Agarkar was known as a:", img: "", options: ["Strong supporter of idol worship", "Rationalist thinker", "Devotee of Hindu scriptures", "Advocate of orthodox Hindu beliefs"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "Which educational society did Agarkar establish in 1884?", img: "", options: ["Arya Samaj", "Hindu College", "Deccan Education Society", "Ramakrishna Mission"], answer: 2 },
{ q: "Which social reform organization was founded by Jyotiba Phule?", img: "", options: ["Prarthana Samaj", "Satyashodhak Samaj", "Theosophical Society", "Arya Samaj"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "Jyotiba Phule was a strong opponent of:", img: "", options: ["British rule", "Upper-caste domination and Brahmanical supremacy", "Western education", "Hindu widow remarriage"], answer: 1 },
{ q: "In which year did Jyotiba Phule establish the Satyashodhak Samaj?", img: "", options: ["1856", "1861", "1873", "1885"], answer: 2 }
// Add additional questions if needed
for (let i = questions.length; i < 80; i++) {
questions.push({ q: `Question ${i + 1}?`, img: "", options: ["Option A", "Option B", "Option C", "Option D"], answer: Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) });
let currentQuestion = 0, score = 0, totalQuestions = questions.length, answeredQuestions = {}, startTime, username;
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let qObj = questions[index];
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let imgTag = qObj.img ? `<img src="${qObj.img}" style="max-width:100%;">` : "";
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`<div class='option' onclick='checkAnswer(${i}, ${qObj.answer})'>${opt}</div>`).join('');
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function checkAnswer(selected, correct) {
let options = document.querySelectorAll('.option');
options[selected].classList.add(selected === correct ? 'correct' : 'wrong');
answeredQuestions[currentQuestion] = { selected, correct };
if (selected === correct) score++;
setTimeout(() => {
if (currentQuestion < totalQuestions) loadQuestion(currentQuestion);
else showResults();
}, 3000);
function showPreviousAnswer(index) {
let options = document.querySelectorAll('.option');
let { selected, correct } = answeredQuestions[index];
options[selected].classList.add(selected === correct ? 'correct' : 'wrong');
function showResults() {
let elapsedTime = Math.floor((new Date() - startTime) / 1000);
document.getElementById("quiz-area").innerHTML = `<div class='result-box'>
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