Amendments to Indian Constitution - Detailed notes of all amendments 41-60

 Amendments to Indian Constitution - Detailed notes of all amendments 41-60

41st Amendment (1976)

  • Increased the protection from legal proceedings for the President, Governors, and former holders of these offices by preventing criminal or civil cases against them for acts done during their term.

42nd Amendment (1976) – "Mini Constitution"

  • Most extensive amendment made during Emergency.
  • Added "Socialist, Secular, and Integrity" to the Preamble.
  • Curtailed judicial review and gave Parliament unlimited power to amend the Constitution.
  • Made Fundamental Duties mandatory for citizens.
  • Shifted subjects like education, forests, and weights & measures from the State List to the Concurrent List.

43rd Amendment (1977)

  • Restored judicial review for laws removed by the 42nd Amendment.
  • Gave courts the power to review central laws.

44th Amendment (1978)

  • Reversed many provisions of the 42nd Amendment.
  • Restored the right to property as a legal right (instead of a Fundamental Right).
  • Made Article 352 (National Emergency) stricter, requiring written advice from the Cabinet before declaration.
  • Guaranteed the right to personal liberty and protected against preventive detention.

45th Amendment (1980)

  • Extended reservation of seats for SCs, STs, and Anglo-Indians in Lok Sabha and State Assemblies for another 10 years (until 1990).

46th Amendment (1982)

  • Allowed states to impose sales tax on goods transferred through works contracts (important for indirect taxation).

47th Amendment (1984)

  • Added more land reform laws to the Ninth Schedule, protecting them from judicial review.

48th Amendment (1984)

  • Extended President’s Rule in Punjab beyond one year due to rising militancy.

49th Amendment (1984)

  • Gave full statehood to Tripura and included provisions for its tribal areas.

50th Amendment (1984)

  • Extended special provisions to certain tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram under Article 371.

51st Amendment (1984)

  • Provided reservation of seats for Scheduled Tribes in the legislative assemblies of Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram, and Arunachal Pradesh.

52nd Amendment (1985) – Anti-Defection Law

  • Introduced the Tenth Schedule to prevent political defections.
  • Disqualified MPs and MLAs who defected to another party after being elected.

53rd Amendment (1986)

  • Granted full statehood to Mizoram, giving it special provisions under Article 371G.

54th Amendment (1986)

  • Increased the salaries of the President, Vice President, and Supreme Court & High Court judges.

55th Amendment (1987)

  • Granted special status to Arunachal Pradesh under Article 371H.
  • Gave the Governor special responsibility for law and order.

56th Amendment (1987)

  • Made Goa the 25th state of India, while Daman and Diu remained a Union Territory.

57th Amendment (1987)

  • Reserved seats for Scheduled Tribes in the Legislative Assemblies of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram, and Meghalaya.

58th Amendment (1987)

  • Provided for an authoritative Hindi translation of the Constitution, ensuring that laws are equally binding in Hindi and English.

59th Amendment (1988)

  • Allowed President’s Rule in Punjab for up to three years instead of the usual one year due to the insurgency situation.

60th Amendment (1988)

  • Increased the ceiling on professional tax levied by the states from ₹250 to ₹2,500 per year.

 * Constitution Amendments - 1-2021- 40 | 41- 60 | 61- 80 | 81 - 106 |





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