Telangana University 'Telangana History' paper Question paper pattern analysis based on previous question papers

 Telangana University 'Telangana History' paper Question paper pattern analysis based on previous question papers

Semester 1 Paper 3


History and Culture of Telangana: From earliest times to 1724 C.E.

Pre History (May 2022)

Megalithic Culture (2020 Feb)

Deccan Plateau (2023 March)

Gouthamiputhra Satakarni (2020 Feb) (2022 May)

Yagnasri Satakarni (2023 March)

Chalukyas of Vemulabada (2020 Feb)

Mudigonda Chalukyas (2022 May) (2023 March)

Rudradeva I (2023 March)

Rudramadevi (2020 Feb)

Tanesha (2023 March)

Akkanna Madanna (2020 Feb)

Sultan Quli Qutb Shah (2022 May)


Long Answers

Geographical features of Telangana - Impact (2020 Feb) (2021 Aug) (2022 May)

Archaeological and literary sources for ancient Telangana history (2020 Feb) (2021 Aug) (2022 May) (2023 March)

Megalithic cultures of Telangana (2023 March)

Greatness and achievements of Gouthamiputhra Satakarni (2023 March)

Socio economic & religious condition of Satavahana period (2020 Feb) (2021 Aug) (2022 May)

Ishvakus’ contributions to Telangana culture (2022 May)

Achievements of Pulakesi II (2022 May)

Socio, economic and religious condition of Vishnukundins (2023 March)

Contributions of Vishnukundins to Art, Architecture and Literature (2020 Feb)

Achievements of Vishnukundis (2021 Aug)

Describe the political history of Rashtrakutas (2020 Feb)

Write an essay on Administration of Chalukyas (2020 Feb)

Political and religious conditions of Vemulavada Chalukyas (2023 March)

Essay on Vemulavada Chalukyas (2021 Aug) (2022 May)

Chalukyans’ contribution to literature, art, architecture (2021 Aug)

Art and architecture of Kalyani Chalukyas (2023 March)

Discuss the Socio economic condition of Kakatiya period (2020 Feb) (2022 May) (2023 March)

Which factors led to the decline of Kakatiyas (2021 Aug)

Rise of Musunuri and Velama chiefs (2020 Feb)

Political conditions of the Velama Kingdom (2023 March)

Liberation movement of Telangana under the leadership of Musunuri chiefs (2022 May)

Main features of Qutbshahi administration (2020 Feb) (2021 Aug) (2023 March)

Social, economic and religious conditions of Qutbshahi period (2021 Aug) (2022 May)

Qutbshahi period – Development of Literature, Art and Architecture (2022 May) (2023 March)

Political conditions from 1687 to 1724 (2020 Feb)

Telangana University Ancient Civilisation paper Question paper pattern analysis based on previous question papers

 Telangana University Ancient Civilisation paper Question paper pattern analysis based on previous question papers

Sem1 Paper IVa Ancient Civilisations

Definition of Culture (2023 March)

Sumerian Script   (2023 March)

Pyramids   (2023 March)

Fertile Crescent (2020 Feb)

Nile valley   (2024 Feb)

Nebuchadnezzar   (2024 Feb)

The age of Pyramids (2020 Feb)

Ziggurat (2022 May)

Athenian Democracy  (2022 May)

Greek city states   (2023 March)

Greek Architecture (2020 Feb)

Punic Wars  (2022 May)

Socrates   (2024 Feb)

Latin language   (2024 Feb)

Hwang – Ho River   (2024 Feb)

Confucius  (2022 May)

Taoism   (2023 March)

Great Bath (2020 Feb)

Siddhartha (2020 Feb)


Long Answers:

Mesopotamia civilisation- Main features (2020 Feb) (2021 August)

Mesopotamian administrative system  (2024 Feb)

Mesopotamians Language, invention of writing, and religion (2021 August)

Mesopotamians’ socio economic and religious conditions  (2022 May) (2023 March)  (2024 Feb)

Mesopotamian Science and Art  (2023 March)

Code of Hammurabi  (2022 May)

Sumerians contributions to material culture and urbanization (2020 Feb)

Egyptian civilization and its geographical features (2020 Feb)

Egypt political organization and social and religious life (2021 August) (2022 May) (2023 March)

Egyptian economy   (2024 Feb)

Role of religion on Egyptian civilization (2021 August)

Cultural developments Art and architecture of Egyptian civilization  (2022 May) (2023 March)  (2024 Feb)

Greeko Persian wars  (2022 May)

Greek philosophers (2022 May)


Ancient Egypt socio economic religious conditions (2020 Feb) (2023 March)

Greek Society characteristics (2020 Feb)

Important features of ancient Greek society with special reference to slavery (2021 August)

Greek Language, literature and role of philosophers in the civilization (2021 August)

Greek administrative system   (2024 Feb)

Great Roman kings and their conquests (2020 Feb)

Roman economy (2021 August)

Roman civilization – administrative system  (2022 May)

Roman period Culture, language, literature, art and architecture(2020 Feb) (2021 August) (2022 May)  (2024 Feb)

Fall of Roman Empire  (2023 March)

Religion and philosophy of ancient China  (2023 March)

Ancient China Socio economic conditions  (2022 May)  (2024 Feb)

Religious reforms in China civilisation   (2024 Feb)

Confucianism main characteristics (2020 Feb)

Development of Science and Tech in ancient China (2020 Feb) (2021 August)

Features and decline of Indus valley civilization (2020 Feb) (2022 May) (2023 March)

Urban features of Indus valley civilisation (2021 August)

Economic conditions of Indus valley civilization   (2024 Feb)

Causes for the decline of Indus valley civilization   (2024 Feb)

Semester 1 Tourism and Culture Paper questioning trend based on previous question papers

Semester 1 Tourism and Culture Paper questioning trend based on previous question papers

Sem1 Paper Va Tourism

Relevance of Tourism (Dec 2014 - OU)

Hill Resorts (Dec 2014 - OU)

Problems of Domestic Tourists (Dec 2014 - OU)

Star Hotels (Dec 2014 - OU)

Kolanpaka (Dec 2014 - OU)


Define Tourism and Discuss its nature (Dec 2014 - OU)

Tourism is now an established industry – Explain (Dec 2014 - OU)

Religious Tourism (Dec 2014 - OU)

Beach Tourism (Dec 2014 - OU)

Origin and Organisation of Indian Tourism sector (Dec 2014 - OU)

Discuss the problems of international Tourists (Dec 2014 - OU)

Explain the organization of ITDC (Dec 2014 - OU)

Significance of Tourism sector in Indian Economy (Dec 2014 - OU)

Tourism policy of AP Govt. upto 2010 (Dec 2014 - OU)

Hyderabad as star tourist center (Dec 2014 - OU)





Definition of Tourism (2022 May)

Early Travels  (2024 March)

Definition of Cultural Tourism (2023 April) (2024 March)

Ecological Tourism  (2024 March)

UNESCO (2020 Feb)

Tourism as Industry  (2022 May)

Paid Holiday  (2022 May) (2023 April)

Tourism infrastructure Development  (2023 April)

Tour Operators  (2020 Feb)

Tourist Transport (2020 Feb)

Air Transport  (2024 March)

Accommodation (2020 Feb)

Goa as tourism destination (2023 April)

Telangana – Waterfalls  (2023 April)

Warangal (2020 Feb)

Alampur  (2024 March)

Salarjung Museum  (2022 May)

Tiger Reserves  (2022 May)

 Long Answers

Explain the concept Tourist – Traveler – Visitor and Excursionist  (2023 April)

Traveler Definition and Nature  (2024 March)

Various types of Tourism  (2022 May) (2023 April)

Tourism importance (2021 Sept)

World Tourism – Origin – Aims – Functions (2021 Sept)

World Tourism Organisation – Role  (2023 April)

Factors contributed to the emergence of Modern Tourism  (2021 Sept)

Relationship between Tourism and Culture(2020 Feb)

Push and Pull factors of Tourism (2020 Feb) (2021 Sept) (2023 April)

Tourism - Socio economic and cultural impact (2020 Feb) (2022 May)

Impact of Renaissance on Tourism  (2024 March)

Emergence of Modern Tourism  (2022 May)

Rise of Modern Tourism in Europe  (2023 April)

Tourism Motivations  (2024 March)

Status of Tourism industry in India (2020 Feb)

Features of Tourism in India  (2021 Sept)

Future of Tourism in India  (2024 March)

Analyse the cultural impact on Tourism  (2024 March)

Main features in Cultural Tourism (2020 Feb)

Historical Tourism in India (2020 Feb)

Impact of Tourism on Ecology  (2021 Sept)

Impact of Tourism on environment  (2022 May) (2023 April)

Impact of Tourism on Society and Culture  (2023 April)

Tribal fairs and festivals -  (2024 March)

Eco Tourism and Its important centres – Impact (2020 Feb) (2021 Sept)

Importance of Islands and Lakes in Tourism Promotion  (2023 April)

Impact of Handicrafts in the promotion of Tourism  (2023 April)

Govt. Policies on Tourism (2020 Feb)

Nature of (Pilgrim) Religious Tourism – Its importance – Contributions to Indian Culture (2020 Feb) (2021 Sept) (2024 March)

Future of Tourism in India (2020 Feb) (2022 May)

Tiger Reserves in India  (2023 April)

South Indian Tourism  (2021 Sept)

Handicrafts of Telangana  (2022 May)

Buddhist Center of Telangana  (2022 May)

Beaches in India  (2022 May)

Hill stations in India (2024 March)

INTACH  (2024 March)

UNESCO – Role of Tourism Development  (2022 May)

Various types of accommodations  (2022 May) (2024 March)

Sem3 Paper 1 Questioning Trend

Sem3 Paper 1 Questioning Trend

Social - Economic and Cultural History of Medieval India

Numismatics (2024 Jan)

Slavery  (2024 Jan)

Purdah System (May 2022)

Culture (May 2022)

Kabir (May 2022)

Gurunanak (May 2022)

Meerabai  (2023 March) (2024 Jan)

Persian Wheel  (2024 Jan)

Guilds(May 2022)

Islamic Monuments (2023 March)

Jajmani system (2023 March)

Rytwari system  (2023 March)

Taccavi Loans  (2023 March)

Portuguese Company  (2024 Jan)


Foreign texts as source of Medieval History  (2024 Jan)

Islamic literature contribution to Indian History  (2023 March)

Evolution of caste system in India  (2024 Jan)

Position of Women in medieval India  (2024 Jan)

Brief Survey of Medieval Political history  (2023 March) (2024 Jan)

Importance of writings of European thought on for the study of Medival Period (March 2021)

Sources for the cultural history of medieval India (May 2022)

Changes in the polity and economy of Medieval India (May 2022)

Hindu and Muslim relationship in Medieval India (May 2022) (2023 March)

Indian social life as reflected in medieval literature (May 2022) (2023 March)

Indo Islamic art and architecture monuments are cultural centres of Tourism (May 2022)

Bhakti and Sufi impact on society (May 2022) (2023 March) (2024 Jan)

Land tenure system and land revenue policies (May 2022) (2023 March)

Crop pattern in North India and South India (May 2022)

Trade and Commerce of Mughal India  (2023 March)

Urbanisation in Medeival India  (2023 March)

Trading communities in medieval India  (2023 March)

Causes for the foundation of Sikkism  (2024 Jan)

Life and career of Guru Nanak  (2023 March)

Shershah revenue administration  (2024 Jan)

Characteristics of Medieval Indian Society (March 2021)

Caste structure in Medieval India (March 2021)

Habits, Customs and Traditions of Tribal Communities (March 2021)

Impact of Bhakti on Indian Society(March 2021)

Rise and growth of Sufi Movement (March 2021)

Agricultural extension during medieval period (March 2021)

Industrial communities during medieval period (March 2021)

Industrial development during Delhi Sultanate Period  (2024 Jan)

External Trade during medieval period (March 2021)

Chief imports and Exports of Medieval period  (2024 Jan)

Trade Routes and means of transport (May 2022)

Means of transport during medieval period (March 2021)

Medieval Indian trading centers  (2024 Jan)

European companies and their trading centres (May 2022)

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