Degree B.A. and PG M.A. history previous questions papers

 Degree B.A. and PG M.A. history previous questions papers of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh 


P.G. M.A. History previous question papers


1. History of India from earliest times to 1206 C.E.

Exam held in March 2023 - View 

2. World History 1453C.E. - 1871 C.E.  

Exam held in March 2023 - View

3. History and Culture of Telangana from earliest times to 1724 C.E. 

Exam held in March 2023 - View 

Semester III

1. Social Economic and Cultural History of Medieval India 1206 - 1707 C.E.- 

Exam held in 2023 March - View

2. Social and Economic History of Modern India 1707 - 1947 C.E.- Exam held in 2023 March -View

3. History of Dalit Movements in India -Exam held in 2023 March View 

4. History of Science and Technology in Modern India - Exam held in 2023 March View

5. cultural history of India M.A. history PG Previous question papers

1. 2023 March - View 

2. Exam held in July 2021 View

Semester IV

Paper V Woman studies in modern India M.A. history PG Previous question papers - View

cultural history of India M.A. history PG Previous question papers

 cultural history of India M.A. history PG Previous question papers


Woman studies in modern India M.A. history PG Previous question papers

 Woman studies in modern India M.A. history PG Previous question papers

Semester IV Paper V


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