History and milestone of Osmania University
History and milestone of Osmania University
History of Osmania University
Officers and educationists requested Nizam VII Mir Osman Ali Khan to establish a University in Hyderabad state. On their request, Mir Osman Ali Khan issued a farman on 26th April 1917 to establish a University. Nizam realised the necessity of a University and set up its aims. When modern education was at primary stage, Nizam’s vision shows his farsightedness. When a native state like Hyderabad was under the rule of indirect colonial rule, Nizam’s first step into the modern world was the establishment of Osmania University.
On the eastern side of Hyderabad city, 1725 feet above the sea level Osmania University was constructed in 1600 acres of land. Sir Patrick Geddes, an innovating thinker in urban planning, visited India during World War I, and suggested that Adikmet is the suitable place for the construction of University building. A team of experts with Sri Syed Ali Raza (later Ali Nawaz Jung), an Engineer and Nawab Zain Yar Jung Bahadur, an architect, was sent abroad to study and suggest a model plan. The group toured Europe, America, Japan, Egypt and Turkey, and identified Monsieur Jasper, a Belgian architect who prepared detailed plans for the campus buildings. After Jasper left Hyderabad in1931, Nawab Zain Yar Jung executed the plans.
H.E.H. Nizam VII, laid the foundation stone for the Arts College building on 5th July, 1934 and it was declared open by him on 4th December 1939. Arts college building resembles the Sultan Hasan college of Cairo, Egypt. Arts college building acreage was 2.5 lakhs. It is an architectural marvel in which Sun rays pass in from all the sides. Landscapes are there in the middle of the building. Two aero planes can land on the roof. Pinkish stone structure, eight sided pillars and lintel style, remind us of the Ajanta, Ellora sculpture. First and second floor were constructed with Shabad stones. This building reflects secular perspective. We can find Indo-Saracenic architectural style of Hindu temples, Osmanshahi, middle Islamic, Arabic, Moorish and Gothic styles in the construction of Arts college building. Arches of this building were constructed in Saracenic style. Main entrance of the building resembles crescent.
Nawab Zain Yar Jung Bahadur was honoured with Padma Bhushan on 6th October, 1956.
Osmania University is considered as the mother of Kakatiya, Palamuru, Satavahana, Mahatma Gandhi and other universities. Osmania University had unveiled excellence in Sciences, Techonological and Social science. Its students are spreading the fragrance of the university all over the world.
History of Osmania University Logo
Osmania University is the first university to impart education in Indian languages. Earliest teaching language in Osmania University was Urdu. Urdu was originated from Khareeboli language which was spoken initially around Delhi. The second Urdu University in India was Aligharh University established two years after the Osmania University in the year 1920. This University also largely funded by Hyderabad Nizam Nawabs.
A special logo was designed when university was established. The logo was designed on a Makmal cloth. Logo's head was ornamented with Nizam's crown. The phrase 'Noorun ala noor' was written on the crown. It means, light to the light. Nizams wanted to operate Osmania like a light to the light. The sentense 'ana madinatul ilm va aliyoon babuha jamd osmania' was written on the header area of the logo. Which means, ‘Osmaia is the centre of knowledge and Ali is it gateway’. Ali is one of the four main pillars of Islam. The phrase 'Jamai Osmania' is written in the center of the logo. Jamia means University. Arbitrarily the previous political leaders changed Osmania University logo. Actually this should be done with the proper consultation and acceptance of the public representatives.
Time line of Osmania University / Milestones of Osmania University
* 1918 - Osmania University was established. It is the 1st University in India to impart education in Indian language.
* 1918 - University Arts and Science colleges were established.
* 1923 - L.L.B., M.A. Cources were started.
* 1924 - Women's University was started.
* 1927 - Medical Cource (MBBS) was started.
* 1928 - University College for education was started.
1929 - University Engineering Department was started.
1937 - Indian Science Congress was hosted by Osmania University.
1942 - Commerce courses were started.
1946 - Agriculture and Veterinary courses were started.
1947 - Secunderabad Arts and science College was started.
1948 - Medium of teaching was changed from Urdu to English.
1948 - Earlier Nizam college was affiliated to Madras University. From 1948 onwards Nizam college started to be affiliated to Osmania University.
1950 - First university in India to start evening College.
1952 – Osmania Astronmical Observatory was established in Japal-Rangapur.
1954 - 41st Indian science Congress was hosted by Osmania University.
1954 - Sanskrit Academy was started.
1962 – Osmania University is the first Indian University to offer Bachelor Degree course in Journalism.
1963 - Department of Business Management was started.
1967 - 54th Indian science Congress was hosted by Osmania University
1968 – Osmania University Golden Jubilee celebrations.
1969 - University College of Technology was started
1974 University Computer Centre was started.
1974 - Department of Microbiology was started.
1974 - Osmania University has installed 48 inches Telescope in Rangapur Astronomical Observatory. At that time it was the biggest Telescope in South East Asia. As if now it is the second biggest Telescope in South East Asia.
1975 - University College of commerce and business management was started.
1976 - Kothagudem School of mines was established.
1976 - Under Graduation centers were established in rural areas, Biknur, Godavari khani, Kothagudem.
1977 - Correspondence Courses were started, later the corresponding courses system came to be called as Distance Education System.
1978 - Osmania University is the first university to start Post Graduation courses in Library and Information sciences.
1979 - 66th Indian Science Congress was hosted by Osmania University.
1982 - Navigation Electronics Research and Training Centre was established in Osmania University.
1982 - Biomedical Engineering Course at Under Graduate level was started by Osmania University.
1985 - Graduation diploma course was started to be offered in Geo-Chemistry.
1987 - Women's University College was started.
1987 - Autonomous status was granted to Nizam College.
1989 – M.C.A. course was started.
1991 - Applied Geo Chemistry department was designed.
1992 – M.Sc. in Geo Chemistry courses was started.
1994 - Campus Colleges were granted autonomous status.
1996 - Centre for Energy Technology was established
1996 - Biotechnology Centre was established.
1997 - Centre for Women's studies was established.
1998 - 85th Indian science Congress was hosted by Osmania University.
1999 - Management Faculty was arranged.
1999 - Informatics faculty was arranged.
1999 - Women's University College has got five star rank from NAAC.
2000 – Separate Directorate was established for admissions.
2000 – University Foreign Relations Office was established.
2000 – University established tie ups with various International Universities.
1. University of Eastern Michigan, U.S.A. 2. University of Londrina, Brazil
3. University of North Parana.
2001 – Osmania University was accredited 5 Star Rank by NAAC.
2001 – Osmania University Engineering College was certified with ISO – 9000.
2002 – Center for Solid Waste Technology and Management Center was established.
2002 – A centre was established to bring awareness about Bio-Terrorism and Public Health.
2002 – Quantitative Method Centre was established.
2002 – Artificial Intelligence Centre was established.
2002 – New Innovations Centers were established.
2002 – Advanced Diploma Courses in distance mode were introduced in Bio-informatics.
2002 – M.B.A. Technology Management was commenced with the aid of Confederation of Indian Industry.
2002 – Forensic Science was started with the cooperation of National Research Laboratories and Andhra Pradesh Forensic Laboratories.
2002 – P.G. Diploma Course was started in Intellectual Property Rights, with the help of World Intellectual Property Organisation – Geneva.
2003 – Understanding agreement with Indian Institute of Chemical Technology for help in imparting education.
2003- Science Block was started in University Women’s College.
2003 – Osmania University Alumni Association was established.
2003 – Agreement with Department of Scientific and Industrial Research for M.B.A. Technology Management.
2003- Continuation of Semester system in P.G. Courses.
2003 – Geography Department Diamond Jubilee Celebrations.
2004 – University College of Engineering Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
2004 – Communication and Journalism Department Golden Jubilee Celebrations.
2004 – MoU with Defense Management College for the development of Ph.D. Management studies.
2004 – INTAC Heritage Award for Arts College Building and other University College buildings in the campus.
2004 – U.G.C. Golden Jubilee Celebrations.
2004 – U.G.C. has granted Autonomous status to Secunderabad P.G. College.
2004 – Research and Consultancy wing had established.
2004 – Professor C.R. Rao Advanced Institute was established in University College of Science for Mathematics, Calculations and Computer Science.
2004 – M.S.W. Course was introduced in Secunderabad P.G. College.
2004 – M.C.A. course started to be offered in distance mode.
2004 – Golden Jubilee celebrations of Department of Hindi.
2004 – Osmania University 76th Convocation ceremony. Mr. Kasthuri Rangan, reputed Geologist was invited as a chief guest.
2004 – Institute of Genetics and Hospital silver jubilee celebrations.
2005 – Foundation stone laid for New Block in Ladies Hostel complex.
2005 – Memorandum of Understanding with N.G.R.I.
2005 – New P.G. Block started in Saifabad College.
2005 – University - Industry Hub established.
2006 – Dr. Burgula Ramakrishna Rao endowments lecture.
2006 – Jaheed Ali memorial lecture.
2006 – Mrizapur O.U. P.G. college Silver Jubilee celebrations.
2006 – Abi Ali endowment lecture.
2006 – Diamond Jubilee celebrations of Commerce Department.
2006 – Memorandum of Understanding with M.N.G. Institute of Oncology.
2006 – MSTI Computer Lab was established in 21st Century Gurukula.
2006 – Foundation stone laid for University College of Technology library.
2006 – Ladies Hostel building was inaugurated.
2006 – South Zone Vice Chancellors meeting.
2006 – Geography International Seminar was held in Osmania University.
2006 – Foundation stone laid for Central Administrative building.
2006 – Worship of the earth ceremony for University College of Engineering Technology Development centre.
2006 – Administrative wing was started in Women’s University.
2006 – Afghanistan President shared his views with the University students and staff.
2006 – EMMRC e-Learning programs started.
2006 – NSS state level youth festival.
2007 – All India Library Conference.
2007 – Photo exhibition by Iranian students.
2007 – Osmania University established day alumni meet.
2007 – Multimedia Seminar Hall inauguration.
2007 – Communication and Journalism department website launched.
2007 – Dr. Burgula Ramakrishna Rao endowments lecture.
2007 – 1st annual alumni speech.
2007 – 77th annual convocation ceremony.
2007 – Foundation ceremony for Academic Audit Directorate.
2007 – South India Commerce conference.
2007 – National Conference on Sports Psychology.
2007 – Nizam college 120th year celebrations.
2008– Bio Metric system introduced at all examination branches.
2008 – UGC 11th planning committee.
2008 – Class Room started in CDRRCDE.
2008 – Degrees Awarding to foreign students.
2008 – Prof. Radha Krishna was appointed as the honorary professor to Economic and Social Study Centre, Begumpet.
2009 – DBT Team visited Osmania University.
2008 – Core Banking facility at examination branches.
2008 – National Conference held at Osmania University on the “Role of Hadis education in Indo- Arab Relations”.
2008 – Telangana History Congress 1st meeting.
2008 – National Science Day celebrations.
2008 – New Seminar Hall inauguration in Law College.
2008 – Inauguration of New Library in university Technology College.
2008 – Inauguration of University Directorate of Academic Audit Cell new building.
2008 – Inauguration of University College of Civil Engineering Extension building.
2008 – Inauguration of new EDP section in Examination Branch.
2008 – Celebration of 1st Youth Festival by University foreign students.
2008 – Inauguration of new computer section at Dairat -ul - Maarif.
2009 – Osmania University, Department of Commerce conducted 3 days ‘Persian Scholars Conference’ on the eve of the International Commerce Conference.
2009 – MoU with Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited – BPCL.
2009 – International Women’s Day celebrations.
2009 – On the eve of International Geology Day, a seminar was conducted on the topic ‘9 Decades’ Urdu Education and Literary Service’.
2009 – University College of Technology Ruby Jubilee Celebrations.
2009 – Inauguration of Information Dissemination Center.
2009 – Workshop on ‘Estimation on Dalit Education’
2009 – National Conference on the topic ‘Current Trends in Chemical Research’ (NCRACR - 2009)
2009 – Affiliated Colleges Principals and Correspondents’ one day conference.
2009 – Foreign Students’ Youth Festival.
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