indian dance forms importan tpoints history of important indian dance forms

Indian Dance forms Important Points Indian Dance forms Important Points  

Bharatanatyam A solo dance, originating from temples of South India, it is based on Natya Shastra, written by Bharat Muni in around 4000BC. It is highly traditional dance from comprising items such as padam, alarippu, thillana, varnam, etc.   

 Odissi It is a dance from which originated in Orissa during second century BC. It is also based on the priciples of Natya Shastra   

 Chakyarkoothu It is a highly orthodox dance form believed to have been introduced to Kerala by the earlier Aryan innnigrants. It is performed by the members of Chakyar caste inside the temples and is only witnessed by the Hindus of higher castes.    

Manipuri Manipuri is a dance form popular in the north-east. It is a highly lyrical and ritualistic dance but lacks dramatic facial and gestural expressions.    

Kuchipudi Kuchipudi is a solo dance popular in Andhra Pradesh. It is also based on the principles of Natya Shastra. Traditionally it was performed by men attired like women.   Kathak It is a popular dance of North India which originated in temples in the form of Radha and Krishna lilas. With the advent of muslim rule, it came out ofthe temples to Mughal courts. Lucknow, Jaipur and Varanasi became its centres.    

Kathakali It is a popular dance from Kerala, it is more dramatic than narrative in form. Kathakali is considered to be the scientific dance form. The body gestures, eye/eyeball movements and hand movement comprise its language.    

Mohiniattam It is a solo dance form from Kerala. It is also the heir to Devdasi dance heritage similar to Bharatanatyam, Odissi and Kuchipudi.   

 Ottamthullal Also known as poor man’s Kathakali, it is a solo dance which originated in Kerala. Table 5.4 Other Popular Dances   Popular Folk Dances of India and States  

Dance State
Bhangra Punjab and Hryana
Bidesia Bihar
Bihu Assam
Chakri Jammu and Kashmir
Chamar Gindad Rajasthan
Chau West Bengal
Chiraw (Bamboo dance) Mizoram
Dandiya Rass Rajasthan
Danda Nata Orissa
Dasi Attam Kerala
Garba Gujarat
Ganpati Bhajan Gujarat
Gangore Rajasthan
Gidda Punjab and Haryana
Giddha/Parhaun Himachal Pradesh
Gopiki Leela Rajasthan
Jata Jatin Bihar
Jatra West Bengal
Ghoomar Rajasthan
Kajir Uttar Pradesh
Kayanga Bakayanga Himachal Pradesh
Karyala Himachal Pradesh
Kummi Tamil Nadu
Khayal Rajasthan
Khel Gopal Assam
Kolattam Tamil Nadu
Koodiyattam Kerala
Kottam Andhra Pradesh
Krishnavattam Kerala
Lagui Bihar
Lai Haroba Manipur
Lota Madhya Pradesh
Luddi Dance Himachal Pradesh
Munzra Himachal Pradesh
Nachari Bihar
Nautanki Uttar Pradesh
Pandavani Madhya Pradesh
Raslila Gujarat
Roof Jammu & Kashmir
Swang Haryana
Tamasha Maharashtra
Therukkoothu Tamil Nadu
Tobal Chougbi Assam
Veeti Bhagavatam Andhra Pradesh
Wangala Laho Meghalaya
Yakshagana Karnataka
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